PASSIONE TARANTA – Official Videoclip (Pizzica Salentina)


Official Videoclip (Pizzica Salentina)

PASSIONE TARANTA is a talented female 4-piece band from Apulia (Italy), whose musical core is the obsessive hypnotic “Pizzica & Taranta Rhythm” along with sensual melodies that embody true authentic Mediterranean soul from Southern Italy. The band formed in the Spring of 2013 soon signing with renowned Label “Italian World Music”, then with Management Agency “Trio-Amigos” along with the support of its European Partners Ian Smith (Frusion Music) and Ken day (D-Tours). The band soon started to gain both attract enthusiastic reviews and real public acclaim. Since performing at URKULT Festival 2013 (Sweden), achieving a resounding success in Italy. PASSIONE TARANTA comprises amazing singer Consuelo Alfieri (Diatonique accordeon & Guitar), the bewitching violin of Asia Macchia, the powerful vibrations of the tambourine of Alessia Cazzetta and the sensual dancing of Stefania Della Bona.

The singer fronts the band while acoustic instruments are backed by other girls’ voices occasionally using loops in which bass lines, ethnic percussion orchestral and keyboard sounds evoke Mediterranean atmospheres.

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