Canto das fiandeiras
ANIMA, or Grupo ANIMA, developes a unique musical language based on an extensive research into the culture of Brazilian communities that are partially or totally excluded from the massive industrialization processes. These populations are also referred, from the cultural point of view, as “traditional” societies. Within this search, ANIMA particularly explores the intimate affinities with the European middle ages and renaissance cultures, brought to Brazil by the European colonizers since the early beginning.
The six members of ANIMA deliver, as a result of an intense process of collective compositions and arrangements, a timeless, ethnically traditional like music, mixing popular and erudite styles and preserving the mythical and ritualistic character of the popular celebrations and festivities.
ANIMA has shown his music and done workshops in many countries all over America and Europe, and have 4 albums already: Espiral do tempo (1997), Especiarias (2000), Amares (2004) and Espelho (October-2006). Hopefully and despite of the world economy crisis, it seems this year of 2009 will be full of wonderful surprises. Wait and see for your self.