Brazilian Capoeira & Italian Dance Pizzica
Brazilian Capoeira and Italian dance Pizzica plus a Sword fighting mixed and directed by Alessandro Coppola of Nidi D’Arac while the firts WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL in Lecce Italy. A great idea to compare and find the most closer way to join the Italian Culture and Brazilian Culture, far away each other but very closer (according to what their shown) when music and dance performing.
CAPOEIRA made in Brasil vs PIZZICA and SCHERMA DANCE from Lecce Italy executed by Italian and Brasilian dancers with the drums of Alessandro Coppola composer and director of the traditional music group NIDI D’ARAC in Italy.
The Capoeira is an Afro – Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts, games, music, fun and dance. It was created in Brazil by slaves brought from Africa, especially from present day Angola some time after the 16th century. It was developed in the regions known as Bahia, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro
Pizzica (Italian pronunciation: pittsika, is a popular Italian folk TRADITIONAL dance originally born in the Salento peninsula (Lecce) and later spread throughout all of the Puglia region. It is part of the larger family of tarantella dances.
SWORD FIGHTING in Lecce Italy at the Anfiteatro Romano of Lecce executed by the Compagnia di Scherma salentina during the Nidi D’arac show finding the common parts of the Afro Brazilian Capoiera and the Sword fighting of Salento Italy
Sword fighting in Italy (Danza Scherma o Danza dei Coltelli) an Italian traditional dance with sword and knife performanced by the “Compagnia di Scherma Salentina”
An old tradition of the Salento’s land, actually become a dance for a traditional show and local party specially in San Rocco – Lecce every Aug 15
The Compagnia Scherma Salentina wants to relate the history never wrote, many times forgotten beacase to uncomfortable, life history of simple people with an incredible human load coming from the Salento’s land and the direct contact with the nature for additional info visit:
La strada che si intende percorrere, ormai da tempo, è quella di far conoscere questa tipica usanza popolare, attraverso esibizioni teatrali, seminari, convegni, pubblicazioni e quantaltro, rendendo attori partecipanti, direttamente le pietre miliari di questa tipica cultura, per molti aspetti, arcana e misteriosa. Con l ausilio della scherma, si vuole raccontare la storia non scritta, spesso dimenticata e a volte scomoda; storie di vita di uomini semplici, a volte di grande intensità umana e cariche di quel carisma che è tipico di chi possiede quella sapienza naturale di chi vive a stretto contatto con la natura, piuttosto che in contrapposizione ad essa… Il tutto aspettando La Notte della Taranta 2009.