‘O surdato ‘nnammurato
Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Bocelli(born 22 September 1958) is an Italian classical crossover tenor, recording artist, and singer-songwriter. Born with poor eyesight, Bocelli became permanently blind at the age of 12, following a football accident.
a te volo cu ‘o penziero:
niente voglio e niente spero
ca tenerte sempe a fianco a me!
Si’ sicura ‘e chist’ammore
comm’i’ só’ sicuro ‘e te…
Oje vita, oje vita mia…
oje core ‘e chistu core…
si’ stata ‘o primmo ammore…
e ‘o primmo e ll’ùltimo sarraje pe’ me!
Quanta notte nun te veco,
nun te sento ‘int’a sti bbracce,
nun te vaso chesta faccia,
nun t’astregno forte ‘mbraccio a me?
Ma, scetánneme ‘a sti suonne,
mme faje chiagnere pe’ te…
Oje vita, oje vita mia…
oje core ‘e chistu core…
si’ stata ‘o primmo ammore…
e ‘o primmo e ll’ùltimo sarraje pe’ me!
Scrive sempe e sta’ cuntenta:
io nun pienzo che a te sola…
Nu penziero mme cunzola,
ca tu pienze sulamente a me…
‘A cchiù bella ‘e tutt’ ‘e bbelle,
nun è maje cchiù bella ‘e te!
Oje vita, oje vita mia…
oje core ‘e chistu core…
si’ stata ‘o primmo ammore…
e ‘o primmo e ll’ùltimo sarraje pe’ me!
Though you are far away,
I fly to you in thought.
No wish, no hope have I
save to keep you near me forever!
My heart, as you know, is yours alone,
and I know yours is mine.
Oh life, oh my life,
oh heart of this heart,
you have been my first love…
the first and the last you’ll be for me!
For how many nights have I not seen you,
nor held you in my arms,
nor kissed your face,
nor pressed you to my breast?
I wake from dreams like these
and cry for you.
Oh life, oh my life,
oh heart of this heart,
you have been my first love…
the first and the last you’ll be for me!
Oh life, oh my life,
oh heart of this heart,
you have been my first love…
the first and the last you’ll be for me!